

The first impression always counts.
What do you think?
Click on the Image to see some presentations.


Have a look at some of the designs we have currently uploaded onto our site.
Click the Image to see them

Chair Dressings

We offer Chair covers, bows, drops, hoods and tabards in varying types and colours.
Click on the Image to see them

Table Centres

We do a Vest array of table centres to match all styles and themes.
Click on the Image to view them


Add a little more sparkle. Click on the image to view our range of Brooches 


What a nice way to Finnish the 'Single Life' just walk through the Arch to meet your true love at the alter..
Click on the image to see the range.


A Great addition to your Registrar table or either side the Top Table for the wedding breakfast.
Click on the image to see the range 

Table Plans

Everyone has their place and there is a place for
Click on the image to see the range

Post Boxes

We have a range of lovable post boxes to keep those
all important cards safe.
Click on the image to see

Make a Statement

We all love to have something different from time to
time. Do you stand out from the crowd? 
Click on the image to see